Formed in 1989, we at Deep Explo have a rich experience of 30 years of innovation. A veritable portfolio of over 5000 different products, 90+ special-purpose machines geared towards the explosives and defence industry, over 500 specialized mission-critical components for the defence industry, and consultation services for establishing new explosives plants. Our highly precise machinery and customized production and assembly lines ensure that every delivered product fulfills the exact technical specifications required. We also adhere to the MAKE IN INDIA initiative at every stage of our production process, from the raw material procurement to the machinery used in the process. On our 30th anniversary in 2019, our team sat down to formulate the vision for the company will be moving forward. As we work in a product-based business environment, we found that remaining a product-centric firm leaves us vulnerable to new entrants and existing competitors. So we decided to revamp the company and, by extension, the whole industry by moving more towards a service-focused firm where apart from the product quality and cost-efficiency, the customer experience also plays a vital role in working with us over our competitors. In short, we wanted to simplify and energize our services to a level that the customer finds it tedious and time-consuming to work with any of our competitors. Below, broken down into sub-sections, are a few steps